Some more "great music" to kick off the Advent Season, from Paul Manz (1919-2009):
Monday, December 2, 2013
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Immaculate Conception Novena - Christ the King Church, Springfield, IL (Nov 30 - Dec 8)
Thanks to the many friends from near and far that came out to hear my talk at the Immaculate Conception Novena back on Saturday night at Christ the King Church in Springfield. It was good to be back in Springfield. As I said on Saturday night, it has become a very important event to get myself ready for Advent and Christmas to reflect deeply on some aspect of the Immaculate Conception, and to preach on that in this unique forum. All the more, it is a joy... and in no small way, a relief... to return to Springfield to continue participating in this ministry. The novena continues each night through December 8 with different speakers. I have included a copy of the ad with this posting, listing the rest of the speakers.

The novena talks continue through Sunday night. If you are in the Springfield area, I welcome you to attend; this is a wonderful way to enter into the Advent Season and to observe the beautiful mystery of our salvation played out in the faith and response of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Nine years...

In particular, those who have been following me know that this last year has been unbearably painful. I am better now; indeed, in many ways I am at the absolute top of my game with respect to living into the life of praying and preaching the scriptures and contemplating the great mysteries of God in the great writings of the Church. The sisters I am serving are a joy to be with, and an inspiration to confidence that all is right at the heart of the Church where these sisters are in their prayer, apostolic life, and struggles to live into their vocations more faithfully. There is abundant fruit which this whole process is about to bear, I pray, which I would not have had otherwise to share, but I want to save that all for a gradual unveiling over the next few months as I finish my STL thesis. In short, while I had originally planned to write about the apostolic constellation of Hans Urs von Balthasar (a project, which while interesting, never quite captured my imagination and zeal in the midst of the daily battles of parish ministry enough to get done), I am now working on integrating and preparing to present to the Church a thorough study of shame and sorrow--two of the modern 'anti-virtues' which modern psychology is all to ready to dismiss as irredeemably destructive to the human soul, but which the Christan Tradition understands rightly, and in the right context, as a beacon to conversion. There's not a lot out there in literature about this subject except in a general and usually in an unhelpful light framed by contemporary categories. Pastoral practice is not as sensitive as it probably should be with respect to how deep the pain of shame wounds so many of the faithful we look out and see from the ambo every Sunday in our churches.
Why is it that people fear going to confession? Why is it that it is easier to receive ashes on Ash Wednesday and eat fish sandwiches on Fridays during Lent than enter into a thoroughgoing program of penance? Why do poor people begging for alms make us uncomfortable? Why is it that there is possibly (according to some reports) a 10 times as many Catholics content to live in 'irregular' marriages than those who seek the assistance of our marriage tribunals? Why is it that the priesthood scandal happened and was handled so badly? I think at the root of these problems is one of the devil's favorite tools to oppress us: shame. St. Thomas Aquinas has a radiant study of shame as an elementary component of sorrow and fear in the Summa. Pope John Paul II has volumes to speak in his Theology of the Body catecheses about how shame diminishes the human person, alienating us from our very selves. The scripture has dozens-no, hundreds-of references to shame in its pages. The old joke is that 'Catholic guilt' is alive and well in so many of the faithful. What can we learn from all of this? Well, the narrative of my own story of descent into the depths of self-inflicted shame and then the collateral marginalization and betrayal heaped on afterwards is not that interesting, actually... and that's not the focus of this project. I'm not intending to go into the business of personal 'testimony', except to preemptively affirm the grace and mercy of God in all things. But what is important and what I have learned and am preparing to offer the Church through the lessons of the last year is a way of looking at shame and sorrow in a thoroughly Christian way that molds and tempers us to be the people Christ has called us to be--that calling out of darkness into his own wonderful light. This is the living out of the Paschal Mystery every day of our lives as we battle sin and our own 'blind spots' of unrealized virtue (and vice). This is where we struggle against our baser desires, both consciously and unconsciously, to die to self and live in Christ. This is what we strive to overcome when we take an accounting of even the sins perpetrated against us. Christians do battle with sorrow and shame every day of their lives until in the fulfillment of the kingdom in God's grace and mercy. A healthier understanding of Christian shame may be the most important barrier to overcome in order to achieve the New Evangelization that seeks to renew the Church from within... not to mention, to help the Church be more credible and powerful in the realm of public discourse... against abortion, same sex marriage, contraception, divorce, war, slavery, poverty, indifference, even school bullying, not to mention so much more that darkens our world. Overcoming shame is not about ignoring it, barreling through it without duly mourning our losses, or casting aside the sorrow associated with it as unhelpful and belligerent to the endless pursuit of happiness. The 'perfection' of shame allows the moments of sorrow to be transformative in the Paschal Mystery of death to self and life in Christ.
As easy and perhaps as logical as it might have been to simply walked away from it all and not made it to the completion of this year nine, I embrace this cross and the promises of Orders more completely and more lovingly for the glory God is trying to work through my imperfections. Trust me, the temptation of simply disappearing has been keenly before me--and it would be an eminently logical choice to make for so many reasons. And who knows, there are probably people out there who still wish that I'd keep walking into that darkness... that would be one of the Devil's greatest desires--to completely destroy a minister of the Church. But today, nine years hence and all the more, I am all the more certain that this call is not about me and my desires and ambitions and comfort. For some reason, I am still standing... but it is not through my own strength, that's for sure. It is all about announcing the Gospel in the good times and the bad... announcing the Gospel, whose herald I am through my unworthy sharing of Orders. I am going to continue to give it all I have, with the hope and confidence that God will make up the difference.
Greetings and blessings to my ordination classmates and my diaconal brothers out there. This is a celebration I share with so many of my brothers in the permanent diaconate, both in my own diocese, as well as those who have been so formative to my ministry elsewhere. May God continue to enfold all of us in his strength and in his mercy as we continue about the work he has set before us.
Friday, November 1, 2013
All Souls, Amadeus, and Antonio Salieri, the "Patron Saint of Mediocrities Everywhere", Part 2
Yesterday in part 1, I retold the story of the 1984 movie, Amadeus, ending with a clip of the amazing dictation of the Confutatis from Mozart's Requiem (K. 626). While this is, at best, an apocryphal story, like many such stories, the drama is perhaps a greater illumination of the truth of the human condition than actual historical events. In Salieri, a rival of Mozart who so desperately longed to be touched by God through music, we peer into the human heart's most desperate longing, its most urgent imperative, that of "amadeus," which means "love of God".

"Do you believe in it?"
"What?" asks Salieri.
"A fire which never dies, burning you forever?"
Salieri, perhaps with a great deal of self-knowledge, replies, "Oh, yes."
Salieri refocuses the attention of Mozart and in a moment, Mozart conjures up the very flames of hell in a fitting tone-poem: trumpets and tympani accenting downbeats, violins feverishly running up and down the scales, and the martial rawness of the men's voices, proclaiming, "Confutatis! Maledictis! Flambis acribus addictis, Confutatis maledictis!" Suddenly this frightful scene is punctured by the angelic song, "Voca, voca me. Voca me cum benedictis!"
I think that Salieri knew what hell was about. He had been there, and the curtain was parted even further that evening as Mozart dictated that section of the Dies Irae. Hell is not about horned monsters in red jumpsuits carrying pitchforks. It might not have even been about the specific sins and shortcomings of life in themselves. Hell is fundamentally the eternal alienation from God. Mozart, laying before him in final agony had yet to experience the depths of that kind of alienation, and was, perhaps, at a crisis of faith. "Oh, yes." Salieri believed in the flames. Indeed, the 'voice of God' heard in the inspired music of Mozart had tormented Salieri, who was still trapped in that deep spiral of envy. God would not 'send
Salieri to hell,' but rather, Salieri's corrupted desires in envy and his wounded pride transformed the experience of God's glory into hell for him, and there he would stay. "Confounded are the damned! Doomed to unending flames!"

Tune in tomorrow for part 3. All Souls Day (November 2), is, in a certain way, a celebration of that yet-to-be-redeemed woundedness in us all that alienates us from God, yet promises to reveal the surest path of our redemption in his love and mercy. The 'poor souls' of purgatory enjoy God's favor as heirs to the kingdom while still longing for the complete healing and purification found in his mercy...
All Saints, Iconoclasm, and Intercessory Prayer...

A couple of comments are in line. First of all, idolatry is a sin, and any actual worship of graven images is explicitly prohibited by divine positive law and further by the virtue of true religion. Christians who worship statues and images, use talismans and charms for 'luck', and replace the worship of God with the worship for things of this world are surely in grave sin (given all the usual circumstances: grave matter, full knowledge, and full consent of will). One will notice of the Islamic faith that there are no images of Allah adorning mosques, or even images of the Prophet Muhammad available for religious veneration. This zeal is an expression of the holy desire not to be distracted by images that cannot carry to weight of God's presence and glory-- images that open the potential for idolatry. Thus depictions of Muhammad are generally met with great offense, especially in Sunni sects of Islam. To this day in Islamic countries, it is often considered extremely rude and a violation of personal dignity and integrity to take photographs of individuals without their permission -- the image is something sacred belonging to the person, and is not to be 'captured' or 'exploited' by hostile eyes. A person is diminished by having his/her image captured and taken away. Thus, when we consider the Blessed Virgin Mary whom the Muslim people also venerate (albeit to a lesser degree than Christians), there can be tremendous confusion caused by all the sacramentals of statues, images, and other devotional artwork that typically adorn a Christian Church. Do Christians give worship to Mary... worship which is due to God alone? Why would they light candles or offer insence before statues or images or even relics if they weren't worshipping them? This attitude is not unlike certain Protestant iconoclasts across the ages who have frequently embraced the short-sighted polemic that "Catholics worship statues". Only a small bit of consideration shows how wrong-headed that assertion is.

Thursday, October 31, 2013
Just because...
Here's one of the world's great young organists, Felix Hell, playing variations on Ralph Vaughan Williams' Sine Nomine (For All the Saints) by John Weaver in concert at Trinity (Episcopal) Church on Wall Street.
You think this is pretty good? You ought to hear him play the Guilmant Finale from Sonata No. 1 on the same instrument...
Finally, a gentle, but not-so-subtle reminder for Catholics far and wide... GO TO MASS TODAY (November 1, 2013).
All Souls, Amadeus, and Antonio Salieri, the "Patron Saint of Mediocrities Everywhere", Part 1

The story opens with a despondent Salieri (F. Murray Abraham, Academy Award winner for Best Actor in this role), now an old man, crying out in the darkness of night, "Mozart! I confess I killed you! ...Forgive me Mozart!" After hearing a scream behind the locked doors of his apartment, we find that he has taken a knife to himself in an attempt at suicide, after which he is whisked away to an asylum and patched up. The next morning a priest comes by on his rounds and begs Salieri to offer his confession and make peace with God. Salieri proceeds to narrate the story of his rivalry with Mozart (Tom Hulce), from the very beginning.

English (in poetic
maledictis, Flammis acribus addictis: Voca me cum benedictis. |
wicked are confounded, Doomed to flames unbounded: Call me with thy saints surrounded. |
supplex et acclinis, Cor contritium quasi cinis Gere curam mei finis |
I kneel in submission, Like ashes is my heart’s contrition; Help me in my last condition. |
Tune in tomorrow for part 2 of "All Souls, Amadeus, and Antonio Salieri, the 'Patron Saint of Mediocrities Everywhere'."
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Homily notes: 30OT-C - The Merton antidote to religious exceptionalism

As I preached to a house of sisters this morning, standing among them in their Sunday habits, myself wearing the ornate vestments which are part of celebrating Mass, I could not help but muse on the dangers of 'being separate'... for we are. That separateness is in circumstance and practice however, but not in substance. It is a separation in service, not in need. It is to be a sheep-ish shepherd among the flock, "smell[ing] like their sheep", as Pope Francis remarked at his first Chrism Mass.
The sheep share a deep communion and identity with the Lamb once slain. Indeed, the Lord embraced our humanity as something not beneath him, that he could live our life and die our death, feeding us with his Body and Blood, that we could have his life in eternity. If we find that our prayer separates us from our humanity, Christ's humanity, and/or our relationship with others, then I think there's a clue that we are on the wrong path.

Certainly these traditional values are very real, but their reality is not an order outside everyday existence in a contingent world, nor does it entitle one to despise the secular: though "out of the world" we are in the same world as everybody else, the world of the bomb, the world of race-hatred, the world of technology, the world of mass media, big business, revolution, and all the rest. We take a different attitude to all these things, for we belong to God. Yet so does everybody else belong to God. We just happen to be conscious of it, and to make a profession out of this consciousness. But does that entitle us to consider ourselves different, or even better, than others?
This sense of liberation from an illusory difference was such a relief and such a joy to me that I almost laughed out loud. And I suppose my happiness could have taken form in the words: "Thank God, thank God that I am like other men, that I am only a man among others." To think that for sixteen or seventeen years I have been taking seriously this pure illusion that is implicit in so much of our monastic thinking.
It is a glorious destiny to be a member of the human race, though it is a race dedicated to many absurdities and one which makes terrible mistakes; yet, with all that, God himself glorified in becoming a member of the human race. A member of the human race! To think that such a commonplace realization should suddenly seem like news that one holds the winning ticket in a cosmic sweepstake.
I have the immense joy of being man, a member of a race in which God Himself became incarnate. As if the sorrows and stupidities of the human condition could overwhelm me, now I realize what we all are. And if only everybody could realize this! But it cannot be explained. There is no way of telling people that they are all walking around like the shining sun!
This changes nothing in the sense and value of my solitude, for it is in fact the function of solitude to make one realize such things with a clarity that would be impossible to anyone completely immersed in the other cares, the other illusions, and all the automatisms of a tightly collective existence. My solitude, however, is not my own, for I see now how much it belongs to them — and that I have a responsibility for it in their regard, not just in my own. It is because I am one with them that I owe it to them to be alone, and when I am alone, they are not “they” but my own self. There are no strangers!
Then it was as if I suddenly saw the secret beauty of their hearts, the depths of their hearts where neither sin nor desire nor self-knowledge can reach, the core of their reality, the person that each one is in God’s eyes. If only they could all see themselves as they really are. If only we could see each other that way all the time. There would be no more war, no more hatred, no more cruelty, no more greed…I suppose the big problem would be that we would fall down and worship each other. But this cannot be seen, only believed and “understood” by a peculiar gift.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Homily Preview: Christ the King (34OT-C)
Am I really that far ahead that I am thinking of a homily that's a month out, yet? Well, remember, this feast is this weekend in the extraordinary form...
The ancient philosophers thought that all learning in this world was simply a matter of becoming re-acquainted with the truth which is 'out there', and which we all hope to re-join when we leave the corrupt, dark world behind. Yeah, well, that perspective seems a little dualistic to me, but maybe there is a bit of truth to that viewpoint. Case in point, I saw an amazing quote from the teachings of Archbishop Fulton Sheen on a comment from another blog, and it brought back a wonderful sense of remembrance that only comes the grief and joy of encountering forgotten wisdom...
The ancient philosophers thought that all learning in this world was simply a matter of becoming re-acquainted with the truth which is 'out there', and which we all hope to re-join when we leave the corrupt, dark world behind. Yeah, well, that perspective seems a little dualistic to me, but maybe there is a bit of truth to that viewpoint. Case in point, I saw an amazing quote from the teachings of Archbishop Fulton Sheen on a comment from another blog, and it brought back a wonderful sense of remembrance that only comes the grief and joy of encountering forgotten wisdom...
Speaking of the Kingship of our Lord vs. the kings of the earth, Sheen says:

Thursday, October 17, 2013
Homily thoughts, 28OT-Thursday: Tout est Grâce!
Three overlapping images appear in today's liturgy.

Blood. Suffering. Faith. Grace. All of these images coalesce in the person of the suffering Christ: the Victim walking the the Way of the Cross to Calvary for the salvation of the world and the redemption of sinners. An image that is to be taken up by us--we who have been called to take up our crosses and follow him.

And so the story shows the young priest struggling to make a go of it... but he is beaten down by his duties: taunted by the catechism students, lectured by the parishioners and townspeople about how he is to do his job and how he is to fit into their society, celebrating daily Mass alone--save one malefactor whose gaze is intended to challenge and intimidate him. His diet is most austere; he walks or rides a bike from call to call. He must travel to the next town to see a brother priest, and farther to see the dean. In time, we find that he is dealing with some kind of physical ailment, which is later diagnosed to be stomach cancer.
So his challenges are not only spiritual and pastoral, but also physical. In the midst of all of this gloom and doom, ambivalence and condescension, hostility and death, the 'spiritual heart' of the book is the probing modern question: "is faith enough"? This is a serious question that does not have simple, pat answers. Indeed, it goes to the heart of what many moderns would call 'existential angst': this young priest was failed by his parish, failed by his Church, failed even by his own bodily strength and health. Would faith be enough to help him persevere... as a pastor a priest a man? While the book is outstanding in setting up this tension, the power of the movie version, I think, is carried even farther by the director, who, reportedly 'grew up Catholic' and embued his movies with many Catholic themes, but found himself, after his experiences as a prisoner of war a "Christian atheist"... a man struggling with his own faith.

And so, this priest does nothing less than courageously taking on the cross of Christ, and preaching from that cross. He avoids cynicism and bitterness as he marches the lonely road that can only result in his own demise, choosing to love deeply in the midst of existential angst, to sacrifice greatly for the ignorant and unmoved, and to accept his lot as a sign of God's grace.
Even when when his health becomes too compromised to go on, he seeks the fraternal consolation of a fallen-away priest friend, inviting this former cleric into the drama of his struggle with faith. It is this man from the past--from better days--who absolves his dying friend, who provides hospice in the final hours, and who finally writes the dean of Torcy when the struggle is over. While we do not know the circumstances of why this priest-friend left ministry (although we do see him cohabiting with a woman), we can sense that his response was another, perhaps less hopeful, response to the ultimate priestly wound which is a deep participation in the grace of the cross. "Tout est Grâce!" (translated, "all is grace," or perhaps, "grace is everywhere!"), says the young priest in his dying breath. Faith did not abandon him in his suffering, but his faith helped him to be formed by that suffering into an even more perfect alter Christus, drawing the world and its pain, its doubt, its alienation into his own passion, yet pointing to the grace of God in it all.
Indeed, all is grace. It is what binds the martyr, the sinner, and the Lord, drawing us into our own response in faith.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Homily prep 28OT-C: St. Louis Zoo!
A spiritual director recently instructed me to go to the zoo... it's a long story, but I finally did it today.
It seemed like a wise thing to do in preparation for this weekend: the first reading from 2 Kings 5 retells the story of Naaman,an Aramean general who came to Israel at the advice of a humble slave girl to seek healing from his embarrassing case of leprosy. He encountered a very suspicious king upon arriving in Israel, who thought that Naaman was using his visit and this cover story to simply reconnoiter the land for an upcoming invasion. Elisha intercedes before the king and takes up the case, however. Elisha tells the general to wash in the local waters--a piece of advice the general takes badly, for "are not the rivers of Damascus, the Abana and the Pharpar [all rivers back home], not better than all the waters of Israel? Could I not wash in them and be cleansed?" It seems foolish to do follow what appears to be arbitrary advice of this prophet (ironically, in ancient Israel the word for 'prophet', nab'i, is sometimes translated as 'madman'). After all, Naaman went through all the effort and risk to trek across the desolate lands with his retinue to come to this 'man of God', and he expected some razzle-dazzle. But he was simply given the instruction to wash?!
But God had a particular plan for Naaman in that particular time and place, which could not be satisfied elsewhere or in another context. Maybe it was rooted in this response to that little slave girl (the most insignificant of figures measured against the glory of an accomplished general). God was not looking for 'faith' so much as perhaps merely his humble 'openness' to the little slave girl (a symbol of the vulnerable nation of Israel?) whose encouragement to see the prophet was simply an invitation to an encounter with the living God. From this encounter, Naaman found healing, he came to encounter the God of Israel, and he even found the desire to cart home some of the local soil that he, too, could worship this new-found God righteously in his own land.
A capybara! See a previous reference to their 'non-meat' status here. |
And so, I went to the zoo today. There are pictures of me having been there as a little one... way before I even really have any memory of it... so it's been more than 35+ years since I have been at the St. Louis Zoo.
My trip today was yet another step in simply learning how to 'be'. To encounter the world on its own terms, and marvel in the glory of all that is around, without carrying my mental or written checklists of things to do everywhere I go. The goal was not to see the whole zoo, or even to be particularly 'productive' today, but to be amused with whatever came up, to observe the behavior of all the human animals, to enjoy some ice cream, to simply to 'be' and let that be praise to God in itself. I would never have gone out and done that on my own when busy with a parish and an office. There was always something that needed to get done there--something that needed to get checked off or taken care of. But I went to the zoo today. And I did it at the advice of another 'man of God' who was not looking for another blood-letting demonstration of faith, but a simple 'openness' to what the time and space and environment might provide.
I'm not sure how successful I was in my 'non-mission' 'mission'. Very quickly, I was noticing that I was going by every pen and trying to find and take a picture of the animal... it was the middle of a warm afternoon, and most of the animals were laying around looking dead. But once getting a photo, I found myself efficiently moving on to the next pen, and the next, and the next. In time, I found myself also becoming annoyed by parents who were dragging their (usually little) kids from pen to pen to pen also, not allowing them to simply 'be', but instead appearing to be running on an invisible, mental checklist or schedule. You see, kids, even when there is a giant elephant 50 yards away in all its glory, will still tend to sit down on the ground and play in the dirt, or pick at wads of chewed gum, or kick rocks along the walkway, or such.... and when they are distracted from these simple joys, that's when they cry and fuss, making their parents all the more pushy, and so on and so on. Kids are the 'pro's at 'simply being', except that they have parents who tend to slowly beat it out of them from a very early age--much as I would probably do with my nephews, and much as my parents probably did for me, and their parents did before them...
Rhinoceros |
Hyena... but is it dead? |
So I went along, from the big outdoor exhibits to the primate house to the herpaterium. It was a good afternoon, doing what I would not have otherwise done for myself in another place or time. As much as I tried to be 'open', my heart was just not settled enough to encounter a great epiphany today. But I suppose that's excuse enough to go back maybe in a week or two. I need to practice this "simply being" thing quite a bit more.
I suppose I could look up a professional photo of an elephant on the Internet or read about the comparative physiology of salt-water fish in an old textbook I have (it is quite interesting how they regulate osmotic balance in their tissues), I could sit in my easy chair and go anywhere in time and space with a good book, but today was simply a day at the zoo.
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