In the spirit of that ritual to take place tonight, I offer the following statement:
On the anniversary of that day when Christ our Lord conferred his priesthood on his Apostles and their successors, I am resolved to renew the promises I have once made:
- I am resolved to be more united with the Lord Jesus and more closely conformed to him by denying myself and confirming those promises about sacred duties towards Christ's Church which, prompted by love of him, I willingly and joyfully pledged on the day of my priestly ordination.
- I am resolved to be a faithful steward of the mysteries of God in the Holy Eucharist and the other liturgical rites and to discharge faithfully the sacred office of teaching, following Christ the Head and Shepherd, not seeking gain, but moved only by the zeal for souls.
- I will continue to pray for our bishop, the Most. Rev. Thomas John Paprocki, Bishop of Springfield, IL, that he may be faithful to the apostolic office entrusted to him, that he may be made day by day a living and more perfect image of Christ, the Priest, the Good Shepherd, the Teacher and Servant of all.
May the Lord keep us all in his charity and lead all of us, shepherds and flock, to eternal life.
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