Bulletin Article: Pentecost
Blessed Pentecost! By giving the gift of the Holy Spirit the Lord calls us to great things… to ministry, charity, and holiness in his own name. The Lord breathes the Holy Spirit upon the Church that all we are and all we do might be touched by his mighty hand. The 20th century theologian Karl Rahner offers the insight that when the priest prays the epiclesis during the Eucharistic prayer, extending his hands over the gifts and praying, “Lord, let your Spirit come upon these gifts to make them holy, let them become for us the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, your only Son, our Lord…” the Spirit sweeps not only upon the elements of bread and wine, but also upon all the gathered Church, affecting a sacramental transformation not only in the newly-consecrated elements, but of the hearts and minds of all those present. Why might we say this? Because the Eucharist, made present on the altar through the ministry of Jesus himself and the invocation of the Holy Spirit, radically unites each of us to the person of Christ, the source of all goodness and all holiness, in his Mystical Body. It empowers us to take our place at the heavenly banquet as sons and daughters of God. By simply being present at Mass, taking it in with the eyes of faith, and participating in the sacrifice, we are all made sharers in the divine mission to draw all things to the Father through Christ. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the contemporary experience not only of the Last Supper, but also of that first Pentecost when the Church first received the Holy Spirit. The epiclesis calls down the blowing winds and tongues of fire which empower us to fulfill the Great Commission of teaching and sanctifying. When we hear these words at Mass, it is an opportunity to allow ourselves to be changed as individuals and as a whole Church community through the holiness of who we are, what we do, and who we become as the visible, Mystical Body of Christ. Come, Holy Spirit! Enkindle in us the fire of your Love!
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