Bulletin Article: Palm Sunday 2013
On Palm Sunday we commemorate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Over the next week as we celebrate Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday, we are called into the drama of the deepest mysteries of our faith. We relive these mysteries in our own time as if we were there at the Last Supper, as if we were standing at the cross, and as if we were looking into the empty tomb. This is not simple play-acting. This is not mere commemoration. God became incarnate, not to limit his presence in a privileged space and time, but to make all space and time holy. God wishes to step across space and time to offer his Son to each of us for our redemption. These particular days help us come to terms with the drama of that sacrifice which is no less real and no less effective for our salvation in our time. Every time we celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, we come face to face with the living God. I invite you to take the greatest advantage of the opportunities which are being offered for the celebration of the sacraments and for participation in the liturgies of these days. May God continue to bless you and may this be a most Holy Week!
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