Such is the Holy Season of Lent. Lent is, fundamentally, a season of spring cleaning. Having completed two-and-a-half weeks (18 days) since Ash Wednesday, it is a good time to look back to see how we are doing: fasting, prayer, and almsgiving— have we made any progress? Has the discipline of the season renewed us physically and spiritually? If not, there is still time to join in and receive the gifts of grace which God wants to share with you in this season. Here are some ideas:
Physical renewal: How has the Walk to Calvary been? Each day this is an opportunity to burn a few calories, strengthen some muscles, and form good (better?) eating habits. If you’re feeling tired and listless from a winter of being indoors, maybe some physical activity as the days grow longer and warmer may be an answer!
Spiritual renewal: the Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered throughout the Lenten season, with special times published as we approach Holy Week. Do a good examination of conscience, and make a firm resolution to do some spiritual spring cleaning in the weeks ahead.
Fasting: for those who are avoiding chocolate, sweets, or other goodies, whether altogether or simply between meals, keep up the good work! If you have ‘fallen off the wagon’, use today to get back on the program. If it has grown too difficult to continue, consider coupling your original resolution with a new one. For instance, “I will give up coffee for Lent, but when I am challenged or give into temptation or I find it not convenient in social situations to continue, I will take time in prayer to pray for the peasants who farm (often for unjust wages) on coffee plantations throughout the world or I will put 25¢ into the Rice Bowl for each cup— add a ‘positive’ dimension to ‘giving something up’.
Prayer: in addition to the opportunities already available for daily Mass, have you made time to participate in the Stations of the Cross, the rosary before Mass, or Adoration? Is there a good spiritual book laying somewhere that you purchased or was given as a gift that has never been read? Maybe there is a retreat or conference or day of recollection that you just haven't gotten around to going to? This is your opportunity to stake out some "holy ground" where God can speak to you and show you his love.
Almsgiving: Besides cash and labor donations to charities and organizations, think about how much stuff is there cluttering your home? Almsgiving can take the form of giving that extra coat or television to a favorite charity. It is easy to get rid of stuff that is hopelessly outdated or used up... An Atari or a Betamax system or those handsome bell-bottoms of yesteryear, but how about that stuff that is not so used up that just hasn't been worm or used in years? Rather than simply collecting it and holding it, "just in case," until you do find it absolutely useless, how about passing it along?
Spring cleaning helps us feel better about ourselves and our environment. It prepares us to make the most of the growing season which lies ahead. It is an opportunity to accept the invitation to deeper personal conversion, to take a step to being a better person and, as we engage the spiritual dimension, to become a better follower of Christ.
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